Crawl Inside the Trees To Sleep
Crawl Inside the Trees to Sleep
Mandalas, Celestial Writings, and World-Wombs
During Lockdown, one blessing has been
the forced attention I’ve had to pay to the local. To keep myself occupied, I take daily walks in the woods around my house with my two dogs. Unable to travel to find and photograph what inspires me, I turned to what was at my feet: the trunks of cut trees.
As Above So Below…
What I discovered was the infinite, the celestial movements of planets and stars, a record of the heavens, and of Earth in these sections of logs littering the paths, clearings, home sites in my vicinity. In January, I began to photograph the almanacs in the trees. I began to sit with these once living ‘witnesses’ who had stood for hundreds of years stretching up towards the sky, and like sensitive antennae, recording life above as well as below.
In these tree trunks, as if dreaming, I see faces, colliding galaxies, stars’ burning journeys. I see Humanity’s bomb, supernovae, crop circles, the spirals on Buddhas feet. I find Sun stones and the bottoms of Hopi baskets. I found Mandalas on which I could mediate—everything in the Universe is in love with everything else. All isn’t just connected; it is one.
I found beauty. I was brought again to awe.
I climbed inside the trees and had a beautiful sleep.